How to order a repeat prescription

Ordering a repeat prescription is easy and can be done in three ways: using Online Services or Apps, through your NHS account using the NHS app or website, or by speaking to your GP surgery directly.

We recommend ordering it at least 5 working days before you need it. Some high street pharmacies also offer delivery services.


If you are unable to request your repeat prescription online, use the online services on your app, or click here to send us a message of which medication you need. Our team will review this, and refer your request to our Clinical Pharmacist. If the Clinical Pharmacist requires any further action, such as a blood test or a clinical review, we will contact you.


If you require further information, please contact us by email at [email protected].



Click here to order your prescription. Alternatively, you can order your prescription using the Airmid app on your mobile device or SystmOnline on your computer.


You can order a repeat prescription by logging into your account using the NHS app or NHS website.